PyCondor API

The main functionality of PyCondor is contained within the Job and Dagman objects.


class pycondor.Job(name, executable, error=None, log=None, output=None, submit=None, request_memory=None, request_disk=None, request_cpus=None, getenv=None, universe=None, initialdir=None, notification=None, requirements=None, queue=None, extra_lines=None, dag=None, arguments=None, retry=None, verbose=0)[source]

Job object consisting of an executable to be run, potentially with a series of different command-line arguments.

Note that the submit, error, log, and output parameters can be explicitly given or configured by setting PYCONDOR_SUBMIT_DIR, PYCONDOR_ERROR_DIR, PYCONDOR_LOG_DIR, and PYCONDOR_OUTPUT_DIR environment variables. An explicitly given value will be used over an environment variable, while an environment variable will be used over a default value.

name : str

Name of the Job instance. This will also be the name of the corresponding error, log, output, and submit files associated with this Job.

executable : str

Path to corresponding executable for Job.

error : str or None, optional

Path to directory where condor Job error files will be written (default is None, will not be included in Job submit file).

log : str or None, optional

Path to directory where condor Job log files will be written (default is None, will not be included in Job submit file).

output : str or None, optional

Path to directory where condor Job output files will be written (default is None, will not be included in Job submit file).

submit : str, optional

Path to directory where condor Job submit files will be written (defaults to the directory was the Job was submitted from).

request_memory : str or None, optional

Memory request to be included in submit file.

request_disk : str or None, optional

Disk request to be included in submit file.

request_cpus : int or None, optional

Number of CPUs to request in submit file.

New in version 0.1.0.

getenv : bool or None, optional

Whether or not to use the current environment settings when running the job (default is None).

universe : str or None, optional

Universe execution environment to be specified in submit file (default is None).

initialdir : str or None, optional

Initial directory for relative paths (defaults to the directory was the job was submitted from).

notification : str or None, optional

E-mail notification preference (default is None).

requirements : str or None, optional

Additional requirements to be included in ClassAd.

queue : int or None, optional

Integer specifying how many times you would like this job to run.

extra_lines : list or None, optional

List of additional lines to be added to submit file.

dag : Dagman, optional

If specified, Job will be added to dag (default is None).

arguments : str or iterable, optional

Arguments with which to initialize the Job list of arguments (default is None).

retry : int or None, optional

Option to specify the number of retries for all Job arguments. This can be superseded for arguments added via the add_arg() method. Note: this feature is only available to Jobs that are submitted via a Dagman (default is None; no retries).

verbose : int, optional

Level of logging verbosity option are 0-warning, 1-info, 2-debugging (default is 0).


>>> import pycondor
>>> job = pycondor.Job('myjob', '')
>>> job.build_submit()
args : list

List of arguments for this Job instance.

parents : list

Only set when included in a Dagman. List of parent Jobs and Dagmans. Ensures that Jobs and Dagmans in the parents list will complete before this Job is submitted to HTCondor.

children : list

Only set when included in a Dagman. List of child Jobs and Dagmans. Ensures that Jobs and Dagmans in the children list will be submitted only after this Job has completed.


add_arg(arg[, name, retry]) Add argument to Job
add_args(args) Adds multiple arguments to Job
add_child(node) Adds node to children list
add_children(nodes) Adds nodes to the children list
add_parent(node) Adds node to parents list
add_parents(nodes) Adds nodes to the parents list
build([makedirs, fancyname]) Build and saves the submit file for Job
build_submit(**kwargs) Calls build and submit sequentially
haschildren() Checks for any children nodes
hasparents() Checks for any parent nodes
submit_job(**kwargs) Submits Job to condor
add_arg(arg, name=None, retry=None)[source]

Add argument to Job

arg : str

Argument to append to Job args list.

name : str or None, optional

Option to specify a name related to this argument. If a name is specified, then a separate set of log, output, and error files will be generated for this particular argument (default is None).

New in version 0.1.2.

retry : int or None, optional

Option to specify the number of times to retry this node. Default number of retries is 0. Note: this feature is only available to Jobs that are submitted via a Dagman.

New in version 0.1.2.

self : object

Returns self.


Adds multiple arguments to Job

args : iterable

Iterable of arguments to append to the arguments list

self : object

Returns self.


Adds node to children list

node : BaseNode

Job or Dagman to append to the children list.

self : object

Returns self.


Adds nodes to the children list

nodes : list or tuple

List of nodes to append to the children list

self : object

Returns self.


Adds node to parents list

node : BaseNode

Job or Dagman to append to the parents list.

self : object

Returns self.


Adds nodes to the parents list

nodes : list or tuple

List of nodes to append to the parents list

self : object

Returns self.

build(makedirs=True, fancyname=True)[source]

Build and saves the submit file for Job

makedirs : bool, optional

If Job directories (e.g. error, output, log, submit) don’t exist, create them (default is True).

fancyname : bool, optional

Appends the date and unique id number to error, log, output, and submit files. For example, instead of jobname.submit the submit file becomes jobname_YYYYMMD_id. This is useful when running several Jobs of the same name (default is True).

self : object

Returns self.


Calls build and submit sequentially

makedirs : bool, optional

If Job directories (e.g. error, output, log, submit) don’t exist, create them (default is True).

fancyname : bool, optional

Appends the date and unique id number to error, log, output, and submit files. For example, instead of jobname.submit the submit file becomes jobname_YYYYMMD_id. This is useful when running several Jobs of the same name (default is True).

submit_options : str, optional

Options to be passed to condor_submit for this Job (see the condor_submit documentation for possible options).

self : object

Returns self.


Checks for any children nodes


Returns whether or not this node has any child nodes.


Checks for any parent nodes


Returns whether or not this node has any parent nodes.


Submits Job to condor

submit_options : str, optional

Options to be passed to condor_submit for this Job (see the condor_submit documentation for possible options).

self : object

Returns self.


>>> import pycondor
>>> job = pycondor.Job('myjob', '')
>>> job.submit_job(submit_options='-maxjobs 1000 -interactive')


class pycondor.Dagman(name, submit=None, extra_lines=None, dag=None, verbose=0)[source]

Dagman object consisting of a series of Jobs and sub-Dagmans to manage.

Note that the submit parameter can be explicitly given or configured by setting the PYCONDOR_SUBMIT_DIR environment variable. An explicitly given value for submit will be used over the environment variable, while the environment variable will be used over a default value.

name : str

Name of the Dagman instance. This will also be the name of the corresponding error, log, output, and submit files associated with this Dagman.

submit : str

Path to directory where condor dagman submit files will be written (defaults to the directory was the Dagman was submitted from).

extra_lines : list or None, optional

List of additional lines to be added to submit file.

New in version 0.1.1.

dag : Dagman, optional

If specified, Dagman will be added to dag as a subdag (default is None).

verbose : int, optional

Level of logging verbosity option are 0-warning, 1-info, 2-debugging (default is 0).

jobs : list

The list of jobs for this Dagman instance to manage.

parents : list

List of parent Jobs and Dagmans. Ensures that Jobs and Dagmans in the parents list will complete before this Dagman is submitted to HTCondor.

children : list

List of child Jobs and Dagmans. Ensures that Jobs and Dagmans in the children list will be submitted only after this Dagman has completed.


add_child(node) Adds node to children list
add_children(nodes) Adds nodes to the children list
add_job(job) Add job to Dagman
add_parent(node) Adds node to parents list
add_parents(nodes) Adds nodes to the parents list
add_subdag(dag) Add dag to Dagman
build([makedirs, fancyname]) Build and saves the submit file for Dagman
build_submit(**kwargs) Calls build and submit sequentially
haschildren() Checks for any children nodes
hasparents() Checks for any parent nodes
submit_dag(**kwargs) Submits Dagman to condor
visualize([filename]) Visualize Dagman graph

Adds node to children list

node : BaseNode

Job or Dagman to append to the children list.

self : object

Returns self.


Adds nodes to the children list

nodes : list or tuple

List of nodes to append to the children list

self : object

Returns self.


Add job to Dagman

job : Job

Job to append to Dagman jobs list.

self : object

Returns self.


Adds node to parents list

node : BaseNode

Job or Dagman to append to the parents list.

self : object

Returns self.


Adds nodes to the parents list

nodes : list or tuple

List of nodes to append to the parents list

self : object

Returns self.


Add dag to Dagman

dag : Dagman

Subdag to append to Dagman jobs list.

self : object

Returns self.

build(makedirs=True, fancyname=True)[source]

Build and saves the submit file for Dagman

makedirs : bool, optional

If Job directories (e.g. error, output, log, submit) don’t exist, create them (default is True).

fancyname : bool, optional

Appends the date and unique id number to error, log, output, and submit files. For example, instead of dagname.submit the submit file becomes dagname_YYYYMMD_id. This is useful when running several Dags/Jobs of the same name (default is True).

self : object

Returns self.


Calls build and submit sequentially

makedirs : bool, optional

If Job directories (e.g. error, output, log, submit) don’t exist, create them (default is True).

fancyname : bool, optional

Appends the date and unique id number to error, log, output, and submit files. For example, instead of dagname.submit the submit file becomes dagname_YYYYMMD_id. This is useful when running several Dags/Jobs of the same name (default is True).

submit_options : str, optional

Options to be passed to condor_submit_dag for this Dagman (see the condor_submit_dag documentation for possible options).

self : object

Returns self.


Checks for any children nodes


Returns whether or not this node has any child nodes.


Checks for any parent nodes


Returns whether or not this node has any parent nodes.


Submits Dagman to condor

submit_options : str, optional

Options to be passed to condor_submit_dag for this Dagman (see the condor_submit_dag documentation for possible options).

self : object

Returns self.


Visualize Dagman graph

filename : str or None, optional

File to save graph diagram to. If None then no file is saved. Valid file extensions are ‘png’, ‘pdf’, ‘dot’, ‘svg’, ‘jpeg’, ‘jpg’.