Command line

Dagman Monitoring

PyCondor comes with a pycondor monitor command, to display a progress bar for Dagman jobs in the terminal. This can be useful for long running Dagman processes.

$ pycondor monitor /path/to/dagman/submit_file.submit
[##############################] 100% Done | 89 done, 0 queued, 0 ready, 0 unready, 0 failed | 51.3m

pycondor monitor displays:

  • A progress bar indicating the percent of all jobs that are marked as done.
  • The number of jobs that are done, queued, ready, unready, and failed.
  • The duration the Dagman has been running (in minutes).

See pycondor monitor --help for a complete list of available command line options.

Command line Job submission

The pycondor submit command can be used to easily submit Jobs to HTCondor directly from the command line. This can be useful for testing and debugging. For example,

$ pycondor submit

The pycondor submit command accepts several options. For example, to requesting a specified amount of memory

$ pycondor submit --request_memory 3GB

or to write log files to a specified directory

$ pycondor submit --log /path/to/log_dir

Note that when passing command line arguments to an executable, two dashes (i.e. --) must be used to separate the pycondor submit command line arguments from the command line arguments to be passed to the executable. E.g.

$ pycondor submit --request_memory 3GB -- --script_option value

See pycondor submit --help for a complete list of available command line options.


pycondor monitor

Prints Dagman progress bar to stdout

pycondor monitor [OPTIONS] FILE


-t, --time <time_>

Time (in seconds) in between log checks [default: 30]

-l, --length <length>

Length of the progress bar [default: 30]

--prog_char <prog_char>

Progress bar character [default: #]



Required argument

pycondor submit

Quickly submit a Job to HTCondor from the command line

pycondor submit [OPTIONS] EXECUTABLE [ARGS]...


--submit <submit>

Directory to store submit files

--log <log>

Directory to store log files

--output <output>

Directory to store output files

--error <error>

Directory to store error files

--request_memory <request_memory>

Memory request to be included in submit file

--request_disk <request_disk>

Disk request to be included in submit file

--request_cpus <request_cpus>

Number of CPUs to request in submit file

--universe <universe>

Universe execution environment to be specified in submit file

--getenv <getenv>

Set getenv to True or False


Only build submit file, but do not submit it for execution [default: False]



Required argument


Optional argument(s)