Creating a subdag

Assuming we have a directory where were would like our submit files to be written.

submit = ...

We can then create a Dagman to submit to HTCondor.

from pycondor import Dagman

dagman = Dagman(name='example_dagman',

Similarly to how we can add a Job to a Dagman, we can also add another Dagman to a Dagman (often referred to as a “sub-Dagman” or “subdag”). To add a subdag to a Dagman, we can make use of the dag parameter of the Dagman object (exactly like when adding a Job to a Dagman). I.e.

sub_dagman = Dagman(name='example_subdag',

Alternatively, instead of using the dag parameter when instantiating a Job, Dagman objects have an add_subdag method that can be used to add Jobs to a Dagman. I.e. dagman.add_subdag(sub_dagman) is another way to add a subdag to a Dagman. See the Dagman API documentation for more information.